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Seguimiento de incidencias bug

Report, track, prioritize, and manage issues

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Un sistema fácil de gestionar las incidencias

vector manager

Keeping track of issues is like herding cats. Sometimes you get lucky and everything ends up organized, but often the details get lost in a mishmash of emails, handwritten notes, or forgotten conversations. It happens to the best of us. That’s why we created our Issue Tracker app.

You don’t have to worry about finding the miscellaneous bits of information you’ve recorded. Everything is stored directly in Freedcamp, so you have everything you need in one place.

Para cuando necesites...

Seguimiento de errores en el sistema

Software engineers, QA teams, and product owners all need to know when something goes. We give you an easy to track and prioritize issues as they’re discovered (or reported).

Notificación de incidencias y errores

Freedcamp lets you create a reporting system for those outside your organization to report issues and bugs that they’ve discovered. Stop scrolling through reviews to see who’s complaining about what and give people a centralized place to report problems.

Problemas de mantenimiento

Property managers and business owners can give their tenants a portal to report all their issues. No more keeping track of emails or remembering what was said in a phone call. Freedcamp makes easy to report problems and creates tickets to track the issue as it’s being worked on.

Recoger las opiniones de los clientes

Collecting customer feedback isn’t easy. It’s a blur of sending out emails, creating surveys, and following up. With the Issue Tracker app, collecting feedback is easy.

Un sistema robusto de seguimiento de incidencias, Eso no es complicado

The last thing you want to do is make it hard for customers and employees to report issues that need to be addressed. If you’re using a separate program, you’re introducing the kind of friction that reduces the number of issues that get reported. We’ve simplified the reporting process, without stripping away the functionality you and your team need to resolve the problems.

PM Of course, how you use the Seguimiento de incidencias is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams]. EQUIPOS Of course, how you use the Seguimiento de incidencias is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams].
Create, track, and manage issues for all your projects

No matter how you use the Issue Tracker, you and your teams can use it to manage all aspects of your issue reporting and fixing system. You can easily switch between issues, save and share filters used during public searches, and use common sense pre-built filters. You also gain the ability to separate out issues by project, so you’re not just working with a huge pile of tickets across multiple for everything you’re working within your company. Everything is organized and neat, based on the project they’re attached to.

New issues come with auto-generated issues numbers with prefixes that can be defined for each unique project you’re responsible for. And our advanced workflow lets you assign a closer on all tickets, to ensure that everything has been finalized before it’s official closed out.

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PM Of course, how you use the Seguimiento de incidencias is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams]. EQUIPOS Of course, how you use the Seguimiento de incidencias is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams].
Visibilidad completa

Our dashboard widgets give you a bird’s eye view of all the issues currently being worked. You can see the status, progress made, and who’s working on what at all times without having to check all the individual tickets you have open.

PM Of course, how you use the Seguimiento de incidencias is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams]. EQUIPOS Of course, how you use the Seguimiento de incidencias is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams].
Diferentes vistas para diferentes personas

Not everyone works best with the same view, that’s why we allow everyone to select the view that works best for them. Get a compact, standard, or highly detailed view of issues within Freedcamp, depending on your needs.

PM Of course, how you use the Seguimiento de incidencias is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams]. EQUIPOS Of course, how you use the Seguimiento de incidencias is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams].
Acciones por lotes

Save time and effort by quickly performing multiple actions on similar issues. Ideal for when a bunch of tickets have been resolved at the same time or when you’re closing out a larger batch of issues during a QA process.

PM Of course, how you use the Seguimiento de incidencias is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams].
Proporcionar actualizaciones a las partes interesadas

You can email the issue reporter to both keep them informed about the status of the issue and get more information from them, if needed. It doesn’t matter if they’re internal stakeholders, or customers who simply reported the issue. We make it easy to provide updates and transparency for all involved.

PM Of course, how you use the Seguimiento de incidencias is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams].
Gestor de incidencias integrable

Make it easy for those outside your company to report issues by embedding the issue tracker directly on your website. When someone discovers an issue, they can pop over to the page, fill in the form, and the issue becomes a task within Freedcamp. Everything happens automatically. No phone calls. No emails. No hassle.

PM Of course, how you use the Seguimiento de incidencias is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams].
Email in reporting

The only thing easier than our embedding reporting feature is having users email their issues or bugs and having Freedcamp create a ticket. All users need is the email address you’ve assigned to the Issue Tracker and, once an email is received, it gets entered into the system. There are no outside apps for customers to deal with.


Nos importa la experiencia de nuestros clientes

“Freedcamp provides a super low entry barrier due to great user experience and ease to use. Its customer support is very fast and efficient. Every time I have a suggestion for improvement I speak directly with the decision makers and get instant responses”

“You guys are fantastic! We were jdiscussing the nature of "Customer Service", and how horrendous our experiences usually are. We thank you for being a shining example of how companies should respond to and treat their customers!”

“Freedcamp is a very intuitive project management platform! I use less than half of all features and, yet, I have everything I need. It is easy to add lists and tasks and but also see the big picture. I like that I can add as many people as I want for a project while having full control of what they can see and do.”

“Our Veterans project went really well, we raised over $40,000 for Veterans and again, the government has asked to do this again this year, this time with the twist we will be training up to 40 Veterans on Box Fit followed by a boxing competition during ANZAC week, our Veterans memorial day, which we have a target of $80,000 to raise.

Couldn't do this without Freedcamp! Your continued support for us is truly appreciated.”


Un sistema premiado

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happiest users
high performer
Todo desde un mismo lugar

Issue Tracker Provides A Clear And Centralized Overview For Requests And Their Current State

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