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Notificaciones Email-In bug

Trabaja de forma más inteligente con notificaciones y configuraciones de correo electrónico que aumentan tu productividad, estés donde estés

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Option: Being able to work flexibly is critical to your business. We've made it easy for you and your team to update Freedcamp via email



Get notified of project updates, new tasks, comments, issues, and more with notifications. Notifications can be set up to alert you to any number of different triggers within Freedcamp. You can pick and choose the projects you receive updates from and whether notifications are within Freedcamp or through email.


Ahorra tiempo con los resúmenes de cambios.


Escanear notificaciones y marcarlas como leídas.


Las notificaciones se agrupan por importancia para ver qué necesita tu atención.


Read, like, or comment on notifications directly from the notification page.

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Integraciones de Gmail y Outlook

Gmail and Outlook users can take advantage of our integration to make managing projects through email even more effortless. You can save time by eliminating the constant copy and pasting that comes when moving project details from your email to Freedcamp. Now you can work within Gmail or Outlook directly to create or update tasks, comments, discussions, issues, events, etc.

Puedes obtener más información sobre la integración con Gmail aquí.
Puedes obtener más información sobre la integración con Outlook aquí.

Nos importa la experiencia de nuestros clientes

“Freedcamp provides a super low entry barrier due to great user experience and ease to use. Its customer support is very fast and efficient. Every time I have a suggestion for improvement I speak directly with the decision makers and get instant responses”

“You guys are fantastic! We were jdiscussing the nature of "Customer Service", and how horrendous our experiences usually are. We thank you for being a shining example of how companies should respond to and treat their customers!”

“Freedcamp is a very intuitive project management platform! I use less than half of all features and, yet, I have everything I need. It is easy to add lists and tasks and but also see the big picture. I like that I can add as many people as I want for a project while having full control of what they can see and do.”

“Our Veterans project went really well, we raised over $40,000 for Veterans and again, the government has asked to do this again this year, this time with the twist we will be training up to 40 Veterans on Box Fit followed by a boxing competition during ANZAC week, our Veterans memorial day, which we have a target of $80,000 to raise.

Couldn't do this without Freedcamp! Your continued support for us is truly appreciated.”


Un sistema premiado

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happiest users
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Todo desde un mismo lugar

Work Smarter With Notifications And Email Settings That Boost Productivity, No Matter Where You Are

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