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Debates bug

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Un entorno limpio para tus conversaciones

Task spaces can easily become overwhelmed by the conversations you have over the course of a project. It starts off with one or two easy to answer questions, but before you know it’s a messy thread of questions, half-baked ideas, and off-topic chatter. None of these things are bad. In fact, they’re often critical to the success of a project, but they can make it hard to find important project information.

Nuestra solución

The Discussions app gives you a way to have full, linkable conversations outside of the task. No more scrolling through random questions.

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lugar especial para conversaciones

Conversaciones en hilos y mucho más

Discussions give you an organized place to ask questions, have conversations about your projects, and brainstorm ideas that may not be ready to introduce into the project. Discussions can be organized into lists, with topics that can be moved around between the lists, as needed.

You end up with conversations that are searchable, attached to specific tasks, and shareable. Need to discuss something with a team member or a client in private? We got you covered. All new comments from followed discussions are forwarded to client emails and they can reply without the need to log in. Keep your tasks dedicated to the actual work. And keep conversations and decisions making in Discussions.

PMOf course, how you use the Debates is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams]. EQUIPOSOf course, how you use the Debates is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams].
Unload out of scope conversations

When you’re busy, you don’t have time to sift through the miscellaneous conversations you’ve had to find important information about the projects you’re working on. Discussions let you to sequester them from the main task by giving you a dedicated forum for conversations.

PMOf course, how you use the Debates is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams]. EQUIPOSOf course, how you use the Debates is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams].
Un lugar para intercambiar ideas

Some ideas are good, but they’re not quite ready to be included in a project. Discussions gives you a place to work through ideas as they come to you and your team. You can create threads filled with ideas and research to help you build out ideas. When you’re ready, they can be worked into the project.

PMOf course, how you use the Debates is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams]. EQUIPOSOf course, how you use the Debates is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams].
Búsqueda universal

Discussions are fully searchable, so you can quickly find and pull out the ideas that you’re looking for. You can even search through archived conversations to find ideas from older projects. And, Freedcamp lets you search through the files that are attached to your discussions.

PMOf course, how you use the Debates is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams]. EQUIPOSOf course, how you use the Debates is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams].
Respuestas por correo electrónico

You don’t have to be logged into Freedcamp to participate in conversations. You can email in replies and files using any email provider. We also support Gmail and Outlook integrations that make it even easier to to post an external response to a discussion. You can also email-in an entire email thread to prevent unmanageable threads by pushing it to Discussions.

PMOf course, how you use the Debates is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams]. EQUIPOSOf course, how you use the Debates is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams].
Permisos flexibles

Our permissions let you include whoever you want in your discussions. Outside clients can be granted access to conversations, without having to open up your entire system to them. You can even make it so specific members of your team have access, so you can have conversations related to aspects of the project that don’t involve the rest of the team.

PMOf course, how you use the Debates is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams]. EQUIPOSOf course, how you use the Debates is going to depend on whether you’re a project manager [PM] or a team member [Teams]. We’ll let you know which works best for who using these symbols: [PM] and [Teams].
Adjunta todos los archivos y documentos necesarios

Bring any relevant files and documents into the conversation. You can upload them directly to Freedcamp, or via any cloud drives that you use, Like Dropbox or Google Drive.


Nos importa la experiencia de nuestros clientes

“Freedcamp provides a super low entry barrier due to great user experience and ease to use. Its customer support is very fast and efficient. Every time I have a suggestion for improvement I speak directly with the decision makers and get instant responses”

“You guys are fantastic! We were jdiscussing the nature of "Customer Service", and how horrendous our experiences usually are. We thank you for being a shining example of how companies should respond to and treat their customers!”

“Freedcamp is a very intuitive project management platform! I use less than half of all features and, yet, I have everything I need. It is easy to add lists and tasks and but also see the big picture. I like that I can add as many people as I want for a project while having full control of what they can see and do.”

“Our Veterans project went really well, we raised over $40,000 for Veterans and again, the government has asked to do this again this year, this time with the twist we will be training up to 40 Veterans on Box Fit followed by a boxing competition during ANZAC week, our Veterans memorial day, which we have a target of $80,000 to raise.

Couldn't do this without Freedcamp! Your continued support for us is truly appreciated.”


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Make It Easy For Everyone To Communicate Asynchronously With Shareable, Threaded Conversations That Don't Get Lost In Your Inbox

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