Export and Import your data

Table of Contents


    We currently allow XLS export from Tasks, Milestones, Calendar, Discussions, Time Tracking, and Issue Tracker applications on per-project basis. Export to XLS has two options - all records or filtered results (filter results before exporting to save your time working with XLS)

    Go to a project, select application (like Tasks), click cog wheel icon, and export. Filter results and use the 'Filtered' option to get just filtered records.

    You can also export all projects:

    - Tasks and Time entries from Tasks Board

    - Calendar items from the Calendar Board.

    Global exports for Time, Issues, Milestones will be added as we develop respective  Boards for these applications in Freedcamp.

    Currently, XLS exports for Time, Issues and Milestones applications included in our Backup service which also contains all your files and all data from your Freedcamp account. Please explore it here. It gives you both - required global exports on a periodic basis and addressing concerns about data ownership and your free access to it.

    We also introduced Data Feed Links feature allowing you to pull project or all project tasks as a CSV stream to Google Sheets or MS Excel, create reports and share them with your stakeholders.

    Custom Fields

    Custom Fields data are added to XLS export, if:

    1) you export to XLS for a project (not a set of projects)

    2) custom fields are enabled for this project

    3) there is at least one Custom Field value saved for any of the tasks included in XLS export

    Custom Fields import from XLS is supported.


    We support only Tasks import at this stage.

    You can bring tasks from other systems or move your XLS projects to Freedcamp now.

    Expand Settings in Tasks application to access Import from XLS.

    We added an option to download a template (1), which is specifically generated to help you to import to this particular project and has all the data you need to make it right from start. A template will contain all users you already have in this project and can use in import file etc. Now you can upload XLS file (2).

    Export from one project to import to another one can be used as a temporary workaround to copy or move some tasks from one project to another. However, with this approach comments and attached files will not be copied since they are not part of our export XLS file.

    You can export filtered results for a faster import into another project.

    Importing tasks to many projects from Tasks Board

    You can import the same set of tasks to all/selected projects (2) and/or project groups (1) from Tasks Board.

    If you need to bring a new set of tasks or task lists with tasks to multiple projects - please use this functionality - it will save you a lot of time.

    This functionality does not support Custom Fields.

    Importing from Asana

    Asana exports in the csv format while Freedcamp imports in the xls format. The conversion is easy, but the Asana file can’t be imported because information in the Asana file is structured differently than in the Freedcamp file. So what we have to do is copy the data in each Asana column to the corresponding Freedcamp column. Here’s a step-by-step guide.

    Note: While you could do this from the Tasks Board and upload the tasks to all or multiple projects, our template doesn’t have a project column, so it would upload all the tasks to all the projects you select. So you need to create a file for each project to transfer Asana projects to Freedcamp projects.

    Step 1. Download the csv file from Asana.

    Step 2. Download the Freedcamp import template. It’s a different one for each project, already filled with those project’s users and task lists. You will need to press the settings icon in the project’s tasks page, then select Import XLS, then click on Download Template in the pop-up.

    Step 3. Copy the data from the Asana file to the Freedcamp file.

    Note: To select all the cells in a column, click the first cell, then press shift + ctrl + <arrowdown>

    1. Type. This column lets Freedcamp know if an item is a task or a subtask. The fields should say Task, |-Subtask and |--Subtask(for subtasks of subtasks). This has to be done manually, since Asana uses a different method. Check the Parent Task column in the Asana file to see which items are subtasks.

    2. Task List. Copy the data from the Section/Column column in the Asana file. 

    3. Name. Copy the data from the Name column in the Asana file.

    4. Description. Copy the data from the Notes column in the Asana file.

    5. Created By. This has no equivalent in the Asana file so we leave it empty.

    6. Date Created. Copy the date from the Created At column in the Asana file. However, they use different date formats. Asana uses DD-MM-YY while Freedcamp uses YYYY-MM-DD. So before copying the data, select all cells in that column, then press ctrl + 1 to open the date settings, and select the date type YYYY-MM-DD. 

    7. Assigned To. Copy the data from the Assignee column in the Asana file.

    8. Priority. No equivalent in the Asana file.

    9. Status. No direct equivalent in the Asana file, but there is a workaround. Check number 12 below.

    10. Start Date. Copy data from the Start Date column.

    11. Due Date. Copy data from the Due Date column.

    12. Date Completed. Copy data from the Completed At column. After copying to the Freedcamp file, you can also use this for the Status column. Copy everything to the Status column, then select all the not empty cells(so tasks with a completion date and therefore a complete status) and replace them with the word complete. 

    Step 4. Import the xls file to Freedcamp. Go to a project, click on the settings icon, select Import XLS, then Browse File, select the file and upload it.


    You can also use the Relokia service (paid) to migrate data to Freedcamp from any project management system supported by Relokia.


    Related Reading

    Export projects and users

    Project Templates

    Copy/Move tasks and task lists

    Data Feed Links

    Version: 8
    Updated on: Dec 11, 2021