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Freedcamp ACL legend

not billable (free) users on all paid plans
Default teams:
(teams can be renamed)
N/A N/A Organizer Team Player Contributor Guest Observer
# Role Owner
Project Group Administrator
 Project Administrator
 Pro User
1Add Items+++++ – 
2Edit own item+++++ – 
3Edit an item created by another user+++++– *– – 
4Delete own item+++++ – 
5Delete an item created by another user++++– – – 
6Change assignment for own item+++++ – 
7Change assignment for an item created by another user++++– – – 
8Change progress status for own item+++++ – 
9Change progress status for an item created by another user+++++– *– – 
10Change due date for own item+++++ – 
11Change due date for an item created by another user++++– – – 
12Add comment++++++– 
13Edit own comment++++++– 
14Edit a comment posted by another user++++– – – 
15Delete own comments++++++– 
16Delete a comment posted by another user++++– – – 
17Manage item groups++++– – – 
18Manage notification subscriptions for own item+++++ – 
19Subscribe/unsubscribe other users from an item created by another user++++– – – 
20Subscribe/unsubscribe yourself from an item created by another user++++++– 
21Export data+++++++
22Edit Project+++– – – – 
23Archive/Unarchive project+++– – – – 
24Manage users+++– – – – 
25Manage project apps+++– – – – 
26Edit project application settings+++– – – – 
27Manage group apps++– – – – – 
28Manage group admins+– – – – – – 
29Delete project++– ****– – – – – 
not billable (free) users on all paid plans
Default teams:
(teams can be renamed)
N/A N/A Organizer Team Player Contributor Guest Observer
# Role Owner
Project Group Administrator
 Project Administrator
 Pro User
1Add Time record+++++– – 
2Edit own Time record+++++– – 
3Edit a Time record created by another user+++++– *– – 
4Delete own Time record+++++– – 
5Delete a Time record created by another user++++– – – 
6Change assignment for own Time record+++++– – 
7Change assignment for a Time record created by another user++++– – – 
8Change status for own Time record (Start/Stop/Complete/Reset)+++++– – 
9Change status for a Time record created by another user (Start/Stop/Complete/Reset)+++++– *– – 
10Export data+++++++
not billable (free) users on all paid plans
Default teams:
(teams can be renamed)
N/A N/A Organizer Team Player Contributor Guest Observer
# Role Owner
Project Group Administrator
 Project Administrator
 Pro User
1Add discussion+++++– – 
2Edit own discussion+++++– – 
3Edit a discussion created by another user++++– – – 
4Delete own discussion+++++– – 
5Make discussion sticky (star it)++++– – – 
6Add comment++++++– 
7Edit own comment++++++– 
8Edit a comment posted by another user++++– – – 
9Delete own comment++++++– 
10Delete a comment posted by another user++++– – – 
11Manage discussion groups++++– – – 
12Manage notification subscriptions for own discussion+++++– – 
13Subscribe/unsubscribe other users from a discussion created by another user++++– – – 
14Subscribe/unsubscribe yourself from a discussion created by another user+++++– – 
not billable (free) users on all paid plans
Default teams:
(teams can be renamed)
N/A N/A Organizer Team Player Contributor Guest Observer
# Role Owner
Project Group Administrator
 Project Administrator
 Pro User
1Add milestone+++++– – 
2Edit own milestone+++++– – 
3Edit a milestone created by another user+++++– *– – 
4Delete own milestone+++++– – 
5Delete a milestone created by another user++++– – – 
6Change assignment for own milestone+++++– – 
7Change assignment for a milestone created by another user++++– – – 
8Change progress status for own milestone+++++– – 
9Change progress status for a milestone created by another user+++++– *– – 
10Change due date for own milestone+++++– – 
11Change due date for a milestone created by another user++++– – – 
12Export data+++++++
not billable (free) users on all paid plans
Default teams:
(teams can be renamed)
N/A N/A Organizer Team Player Contributor Guest Observer
# Role Owner
Project Group Administrator
 Project Administrator
 Pro User
1Upload file++++++– 
2Edit own file++++++– 
3Edit a file uploaded by another user++++++– 
4Delete own file or its version++++++– 
5Delete a file or its version uploaded by another user++++– – – 
6Upload new version for the own file++++++– 
7Upload new version for a file uploaded by another user++++– – – 
8Add comment++++++– 
9Edit own comment++++++– 
10Edit a comment posted by another user++++– – – 
11Delete own comments++++++– 
12Delete a comment posted by another user++++– – – 
13Manage notification subscriptions for own file++++++ – 
14Subscribe/unsubscribe other users from a file uploaded by another user++++– – – 
15Subscribe/unsubscribe yourself from a file uploaded by another user++++++– 
16Create folder++++++– 
17Edit folder++++++– 
18Move folder++++++– 
19Delete folder+++++– ***– – 
20Bulk Edit++++– – – 
not billable (free) users on all paid plans
Default teams:
(teams can be renamed)
N/A N/A Organizer Team Player Contributor Guest Observer
# Role Owner
Project Group Administrator
 Project Administrator
 Pro User
1Add Issue++++++– 
2Edit own issue++++++– 
3Edit an issue created by another user+++++– *– – 
4Delete own issue++++++– 
5Delete an issue created by another user++++– – – 
6Change assigned to/closer for own issue++++++– 
7Change assigned/closer for an issue created by another user++++– – – 
8Change progress status for own issue++++++– 
9Change progress status for an issue created by another user+++++– *– – 
10Change due date/type/priority for own issue++++++– 
11Change due date/type/priority for an issue created by another user++++– – – 
12Assign yourself an issue created by another user+++++– – 
13Close / reopen issue+++++– ***+– ***– 
14Add comment++++++– 
15Edit own comment++++++– 
16Edit a comment posted by another user++++– – – 
17Delete own comments++++++– 
18Delete a comment posted by another user++++– – – 
19Save / update / delete own searches+++++++
20Save / update / delete searches created by another user++++– – – 
21Change issues order++++– – – 
22Manage notification subscriptions for own issue++++++– 
23Subscribe/unsubscribe other users from an issue created by another user++++– – – 
24Subscribe/unsubscribe yourself from an issue created by another user++++++– 
25Edit prefix+++– – – – 
26Export data+++++++
27Bulk Edit++++– – – 
not billable (free) users on all paid plans
Default teams:
(teams can be renamed)
N/A N/A Organizer Team Player Contributor Guest Observer
# Role Owner
Project Group Administrator
 Project Administrator
 Pro User
1Add task+++++– – 
2Can edit own tasks and subtasks+++++– – 
3Edit a task created by another user+++++– *– – 
4Delete own task+++++– – 
5Delete a task created by another user++++– – – 
6Change assignment for own task+++++– – 
7Change assignment for a task created by another user++++– – – 
8Change progress status for own task+++++– – 
9Change progress status for a task created by another user+++++– *– – 
10Change due date for own task+++++– – 
11Change due date for a task created by another user++++– – – 
12Create / Add / Remove / Delete subtasks in own (sub)tasks+++++– – 
13Create / Add / Remove / Delete own subtasks in (sub)tasks created by other users+++++– – 
14Create / Add / Remove / Delete other users subtasks in (sub)tasks created by other users++++– – – 
15Copy / Move a task with subtasks++++– – – 
16Delete own (sub)task even if it contains subtasks created by other users+++++– – 
17Add time record to a task+++++– ***– – 
18Add comment++++++– 
19Edit own comment++++++– 
20Edit a comment posted by another user++++– – – 
21Delete own comments++++++– 
22Delete a comment posted by another user++++– – – 
23Manage Task Lists++++– – – 
24Copy / Move a task list++++– – – 
25Manage notification subscriptions for own task+++++– – 
26Subscribe/unsubscribe other users from a task created by another user++++– – – 
27Subscribe/unsubscribe yourself from a task created by another user+++++– – 
28Export data+++++++
29Delete Completed Tasks+++++– ***– – 
30Save / update / delete own searches+++++++
31Save / update / delete searches created by another user++++– – – 
32Change tasks order++++– – – 
33Archive group++++– – – 
34Link Task and Milestone+++++– **– – 
35Bulk Edit++++– – – 
not billable (free) users on all paid plans
Default teams:
(teams can be renamed)
N/A N/A Organizer Team Player Contributor Guest Observer
# Role Owner
Project Group Administrator
 Project Administrator
 Pro User
1Add wiki+++++– – 
2Edit own wiki+++++– – 
3Edit a wiki created by another user++++– – – 
4Delete own wiki+++++– – 
5Delete a wiki created by another user++++– – – 
6Add / edit versions for own wiki+++++– – 
7Add / edit versions for a wiki created by another user++++– – – 
8Revert to prev version for own wiki+++++– – 
9Revert to prev version for a wiki created by another user++++– – – 
10Add comment++++++– 
11Edit own comment++++++– 
12Edit a comment posted by another user++++– – – 
13Delete own comments++++++– 
14Delete a comment posted by another user++++– – – 
15Manage notification subscriptions for own wiki+++++– – 
16Subscribe/unsubscribe other users from a wiki created by another user++++– – – 
17Subscribe/unsubscribe yourself from a wiki created by another user+++++– – 
not billable (free) users on all paid plans
Default teams:
(teams can be renamed)
N/A N/A Organizer Team Player Contributor Guest Observer
# Role Owner
Project Group Administrator
 Project Administrator
 Pro User
1Add event+++++– – 
2Edit own event+++++– – 
3Edit an event created by another user++++– – – 
4Delete own event+++++– – 
5Delete an event created by another user++++– – – 
6Change week start day+++++– – 
not billable (free) users on all paid plans
Default teams:
(teams can be renamed)
N/A N/A Organizer Team Player Contributor Guest Observer
# Role Owner
Project Group Administrator
 Project Administrator
 Pro User
1Tasks permissions See here
2Milestones permissions See here
3Issue Tracker permissions See here
not billable (free) users on all paid plans
Default teams:
(teams can be renamed)
N/A N/A Organizer Team Player Contributor Guest Observer
# Role Owner
Project Group Administrator
 Project Administrator
 Pro User
1Send a digest to translators +– – – – – – 
2Setting up the app +++– – – – 
3Manage translators +++– – – – 
4Import translations +++– – – – 
5Export translations +++++– – 
6Create a phrase +++++– – 
7Translate a phrase +++++******– – 
8Add comment +++++******– – 
# Role Group Owner
 Group Administrators
 Group users
1 View Password +Only if the password is shared with
2Add a Password +++
3Create a secured password or convert a non secure password using the Master Password +Only with access to at least ONE
encrypted password
4Edit own Password +++
5Edit the Password created by another user +Only if the password is shared with
6Delete own Password +++
7Delete the Password created by another user +Only if the password is shared with– 
8Create a new Master Password ++– 
9Change the Master Password +Only with access to ALL
encrypted passwords
10Bulk encrypt ("Encrypt all passwords with the Master Password") +Only with access to ALL
encrypted passwords
11Bulk decrypt ("I don't want to use the Master Password") ++– 
12Bulk share with users ++– 
13Manage Password lists ++– 
14Import Passwords ++– 
15Export Passwords +++

* - 'User' can change statuses for items, assigned to him/her even if this item is created by another user.

** - 'User' can manage links only between Tasks and Milestones created by him/her or assigned to him/her.

*** - Some actions 'User' and 'Guest' can perform only under own (created by him/her) items.

**** - 'Group Admin' can only delete own (created by him/her) projects.

***** - 'Guests' and 'Read-Only' can not be assigned to Tasks, Time, Milestones and Issues.

****** - Actions allowed to external translators also (Translations application).

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